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take the offensive中文是什么意思

用"take the offensive"造句"take the offensive"怎么读"take the offensive" in a sentence


  • 进攻, 采取攻势


  • In early march the pathet lao were ready to take the offensive .
  • They ought to understand that we can but lose by taking the offensive
  • In meetings she always takes the offensive before she can be criticized
  • Passive defence is actually a spurious kind of defence , and the only real defence is active defence , defence for the purpose of counter - attacking and taking the offensive
  • Flexibility in the employment of forces revolves around the effort to take the offensive , and planning likewise is necessary chiefly in order to ensure success in offensive operations
  • However , the online games community value and economic value increasingly be reflected today , china ' s online game for the young people in particular to the negative impact of the condemnation did not persist ; moreover , due to china ' s online game market has great potential for foreign game developers have to turn their attention to china , and has taken the offensive expectations on access to china ' s market place
用"take the offensive"造句  
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